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Patrol Unit

Security mobile patrols can provide protection to sites without requiring a permanent presence. Mobile patrols are useful and cost-effective. We can perform regularly scheduled or random patrols of the community including all streets, pools, tennis courts, clubhouses, and all other facilities. We also offer stationary security officers for guard booths in gated communities.

Among other services, we can check badges and other information to ensure persons are allowed on commercial property, check all exterior doors, windows, entrances, and gates, and observe and monitor video cameras while on mobile patrol.

Our security professionals can also respond to incidents inside businesses, keep an eye out for vagrants and trespassers, deter criminal activity, and perform late-night employee checks.

Your mobile patrol guard will report daily on all activity occurring on the property – including broken gates or windows, lights, abandoned cars, middle of the night move-outs, and other elements of concern.

With our security patrol vehicles, we can cover more areas in less time and ensure that your property is secure. Mobile patrols are cost-effective, and highly effective at deterring unwanted visitors at night.